
Fall is just around the corner and soon you will be firing up your furnace to give your home warm comfort. But along with the first kick of your heating device also comes countless threats to the safety of your home and anyone who dwells in it.

Iceberg Mechanical understands that as early as today, you should be introduced to these furnace safety tips that should never be ignored in the long fall and winter seasons. Read below and be informed!

  • Keep the area clean

The furnace and its surrounding area should be kept clean all the time. Regular vacuum cleaning is necessary to prevent lint build-up which is a known fire hazard. In cleaning the internal compartment of your furnace, you can refer to the details in the manufacturer’s instruction, or you can always call an HVAC expert to do the job for you.

  • Educate the kids

Give your kids proper furnace safety precautions by educating them. Children are full of curiosity, and the hot grill of your furnace can easily get their attention. Teach them to stay away from this hot surface that can burn their skin. Additionally, do not let your kids play in the area near the furnace for they are most likely to leave their toys and other items near the unit.

  • Keep flammable away from the furnace and heat registers

Always keep the surrounding area of the furnace clear of flammable objects to prevent the risk of fire. Similarly, do not let rugs, blankets, furniture and other objects block the air intake for it can create a fire threat. Know that your unit draws air from the indoors so if harmful chemicals are left near; it can pick up the fumes and distribute the air to the different parts of your home.

  • Change the air filters regularly

Your furnace also needs a clean air filter to function effectively. A dirty filter will not just result to poor indoor air quality, but can also add pressure on your unit making it more prone to break down and costly repairs.

  • Test your alarms

Carbon monoxide poisoning and the risk of fire are prevalent during the cold seasons. That is why you should consider your CO detectors and smoke alarms as vital components of your home. Be sure to test them regularly, change batteries if needed, and provide proper maintenance to ensure its good operation.

  • Schedule a regular furnace maintenance check

Most furnace emergencies happen with negligence of maintenance check-up and inspection. By doing a routine maintenance check-up, you are guaranteed that your furnace is in good condition and works in its top-most efficiency.

Trust the experts at Iceberg Mechanical if you need professional help in keeping your home safe for the coming of fall and winter seasons. Schedule an appointment with our experts, and we’ll guarantee your peace of mind come the cold days.
